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The ADS Agency Featured for Thoughts on the Future of Marketing

Recently, The Future of Everything asked marketing thought leader and The ADS Agency founder Andrea D. Smith for her thoughts on the future of marketing. The Future of Everything features industry experts from a variety of industries who have an interesting perspective, unique insights, and a strong opinion. This month, they asked CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and executives who operate in the marketing industry and have a good understanding of where this industry is heading in the future this one question: “What’s the Future of Marketing?” Check out a snippet from the blog post below and Andrea’s thoughts as well. What do you think the future of marketing is?

Ask The Thought Leaders: What’s the Future of Marketing?

By Nick Hastreiter |

Without marketing, it’s fair to say that a business cannot exist.

Marketing combined with sales is the growth engine every company needs and while most know how important it is, the fact what works today  won’t work tomorrow makes it challenging to stay up to speed.

Marketing has changed drastically over the past decade. While the Madmen days were  a reality before, today, times have changed. Today, thanks to technologies like big data analytics, the madmen days are gone and the mathmen days have arrived.

So, where is all this headed? To get a better understanding of where marketing will take us in the future, we spoke with industry leads and asked:

What’s the future of marketing?

This is what we learned…

Andrea D. Smith, Senior Brand Director at The ADS Agency

“I think the future of powerful marketing will continue to be found in the ability to be HUMAN. To be authentic. To make you feel. It is THE thing that cuts through the clutter and I think it will be 10 years from now as well. The difference is the methods we’ll have at our disposal to be able to reach you in your life – and tech (including AR/VR, drones, etc.) will be an inevitable part of that. Messaging will ultimately end up being seamless – integrated into your home (notifications when you’re about to run out of toilet paper or automated technology that simply orders it for you based on a service you subscribed to). Perhaps we’ll have mini-drones physically deliver you an item you just purchased or asked for. But as always, what we have to be careful of is being welcomed as opposed to being intrusive.”

You can read the full article here along with other marketing thought leaders. What do you think the future of marketing is? Let us know!

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